Nemechek Protocol and Inulin
Just recently I have noticed an increase in sales from young mothers. A rather frantic mum emailed me recently when her Zinulin failed to arrive in a timely fashion. During our conversation and whilst tapping away on the keyboard to establish why her parcel had gone astray, I asked her why she used Zinulin – a question I always ask my customers, apparently it’s called market research. I was a little surprised to find out that she was using it for her child who had autism and was having some great results. A few days later a local Mum called by the office to pick up 4 Zinulin pouches and she and I got chatting and surprise, surprise she was using it for the same thing. Now I was intrigued!
Apparently, Dr. Nemechek a renowned physician had been studying the effects of common household ingredients and the combination has had a profound effect on children with Autism and other neurological disorders. Dr. Patrick Nemechek is an internist in Buckeye, Arizona. He received his medical degree from Kansas City University College of Osteopathic Medicine and has been in practice for more than 20 years.
The Nemechek Protocol consists of 3 things:
Inulin (or Rifaximin for adults)
Pure Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Fish Oil
(see the protocol for appropriate doses)
So I started researching Dr Nemechek and was excited to learn that his Protocol is being well received by parents who have children with HF ASD, ADHD, ODD, SPD and they are seeing significant results.
There is an undeniable link between gut health and brain health, which is why such incredible results can be had when you focus on restoring and balancing these two areas. More information can be found on the following websites.
Dr. Nemecheck has a book out which goes into more detail and can be purchased on-line from a number of sources.
THE NEMECHEK PROTOCOL FOR AUTISM AND DEVELOPMENTAL DISORDERS: A How-To Guide For Restoring Neurological Function 1.0 Edition. By Dr. Patrick Nemechek.
I would encourage any parent who is struggling to have a look and read up on this latest information.